This universal and adjustable bushing is designed for many applications, for example to protect wire, cable, tubing or irregular shaped items from sharp, unfinished edges. The specially designed, resilient multiple supports absorb shock and vibration, and adjust to accept various diameters and shapes.

Drawing PDF:  
UL94:   V2  
Measures expressed in: Millimeters

Hole size (A)
Maximum panel thickness (G)
Max. Cable diameter
02010000120 12,70 1,60 7,60 6,40 15,20  
02010000100 12,70 3,20 7,60 9,80 15,20  
02010000132 12,70 6,40 7,60 13,80 15,20  
02010000116 15,90 1,60 11,10 6,20 18,50  
00101000052 15,90 3,20 11,10 10,30 18,20  
02010000101 15,90 3,20 11,10 10,30 18,30  
02010000135 15,90 6,40 11,10 14,00 18,30  
02010000102 19,00 3,20 12,70 9,90 21,40  
00101000053 19,00 3,20 12,70 9,90 22,20  
02010000137 19,00 6,40 12,70 12,70 21,25  
02010000117 19,10 1,60 12,70 6,40 21,80  
02010000103 20,60 3,20 12,70 9,90 22,60  
00101000054 20,60 3,60 12,70 10,30 22,60  
02010000113 22,20 1,60 14,20 6,40 23,80  
00101000055 22,20 3,20 14,20 11,50 23,80  
02010000104 22,20 3,20 14,30 11,50 23,80  
02010000142 22,20 6,40 14,30 14,00 23,80  
02010000114 25,40 1,60 19,00 6,40 27,00  
00101000056 25,40 3,20 19,00 11,50 26,90  
02010000105 25,40 3,20 19,00 11,50 27,00  
02010000145 25,40 6,40 19,00 14,00 27,00  
01801100600 27,60 3,20 22,40 11,30 30,80  
02010000115 27,80 1,60 20,60 6,40 29,40  
00101000057 27,80 3,20 20,60 11,50 29,30  
02010000106 27,80 3,20 20,60 11,50 29,40  
02010000148 27,80 6,40 20,60 14,00 29,40  
02010000112 30,20 3,20 24,10 11,50 31,80  
00101000124 31,75 3,20 22,20 11,50 34,50  
02010000107 31,80 3,20 25,80 11,50 33,40  
02010000108 34,90 3,20 25,40 11,50 37,80  
02010000152 34,90 6,40 25,40 14,30 37,80  
02010000109 38,10 3,20 26,90 11,40 40,90  
02010000154 38,10 6,40 26,90 14,30 40,90  
02010000110 44,50 3,20 34,90 11,80 47,50  
02010000118 50,80 3,20 41,60 12,40 54,00  
02010000111 63,50 6,40 50,00 19,00 66,80  
02010000119 76,20 6,40 62,70 19,00 80,00  

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The split design of this open-close bushing allows side entry and encirclement of pre-assembled harnesses, capillary tubes or other assemblies.   The membrane grommet handles an exceptional large cable span and is equipped with a pop-out membrane providing a wider range of applications than traditional membrane grommet. With the pop-out membrane you have a sealed cap but even after passing a cable you maintain a guaranteed IP67 standard. The grommet needs no further installation tools and works extremely well even if cables pass through at extreme angles.   This semi-blind grommet is ideal to protect wires and cables passing through metal sheet. It installs instantly, it just has to simply snap into the hole. It also blanks holes for later insertion of cables etc..., It permits to lock into round or oval holes. Moreover, it protects against ingress of water and dust. Natural Rubber offers a good resistance to organic acids, alcohols and automotive brake fluid. <br> <i>*The references 02001000464 and 02001000910 have a design variation. The external diameter (E) is different on each side (E1).</i>   This semi-blind grommet is ideal to protect wires and cables passing through metal sheet. It installs instantly, it just has to simply snap into the hole. It also blanks holes for later insertion of cables etc., it permits to lock into round or oval holes. Moreover, it protects against ingress of water and dust.   This semi-blind grommet is ideal to protect cables and wires passing through metal panels. Our semi-blind grommet is quick and simple to install.  

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